Johnie Hinson is an ordained minister and a retired Air Force officer. He is married to Rene (48 years) and has two daughters and a son-in-law (Christy & Jared) and Jennifer. They have three grandkids (Preston, Colette, & Ansleigh). He has authored two books and written magazine and newspaper articles on relationships. He’s a teacher, conference speaker and counselor. His heart and passion to teach relationship principles spans 26 years. His journey to rediscover relationships began in 1996 and took him to a new level in his understanding of relationship dynamics. The Lord opened a door of opportunity allowing Johnie to glean precious knowledge about this wonderful gift. Twenty revelations, or divinely inspired thoughts, provided keen insight into how Jesus Christ viewed marriage and His expectations of how Johnie must approach it. Nothing in life promotes greater satisfaction than meaningful connections with family, friends, and the Lord who gave us life. He learned that marriage isn’t a contract between a man and a woman, but an intimate covenant of promise designed to connect them in a lifelong union. As a minister, military officer, husband, father and grandfather, Johnie’s story can teach us a lifetime of lessons about relationships if we’ll just apply the right principles and applications.
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Protect Marriages & Decrease Divorces by Equipping Couples with the Right Stuff.
Educate Couples on the Dynamics of Relationship Development
Teach Couples Biblical Principles & Applications to Guide their Thoughts & Actions
Encourage Couples to Stay focused on their Goal of Becoming One
Take Ownership Of Your Relationships And You'll Take Responsibility For Them.
Revelation #6