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Relationships: The Key To Success PART 1

Johnie Hinson

What is the key to success in life? Success is the buzz word that everybody uses today. But, what does it really mean?

Psalm 1:3 states, “Whatever he (one who walks with the Lord) does shall prosper.”

Focus on the word “prosper”, which means; “to succeed in an enterprise or activity, to achieve economic success.” Does that mean you’ll get money, cars, homes, careers, and stuff? Maybe, maybe not. In addition, will those things make you happy or fulfilled? I don’t think so.

The real question is: What will make you truly happy, content, and fulfilled?

First of all, true success is never measured by stuff and stuff will never produce true happiness because God won’t allow it to. “Success is a journey, not a destination.” It’s more than just reaching a goal or completing a task. It’s more than just acquiring something you desire. Success is an attitude, a mindset, and even a lifestyle. It becomes a part of who you are and what you do. Just like pursuing life, you pursue success, you strive to be successful in everything you do. Success becomes your motivation to live life to the fullest extent.

So, what is the key to success? I believe that the key is Relationships. Why? Relationships are the single most important link between God and humanity. Everything we do in life has a relationship attached to it. Everything we accomplish requires the assistance of someone else. Most importantly, we exist because of relationships through procreation.

Here's an interesting question. Can anyone tell me that you’ve accomplished anything in life by yourself? I’m sure that the answer is NO! WHY? Because God, our Creator, would not allow that to happen. We’re relational beings created for relationships and we exist to be connected to the Creator and His creation. We exist to function through our vertical and horizontal connections. “No man is an island.”

In my new book, My Journey To Rediscover Relationships, God gave me 20 revelations about the dynamics of relationships, but the most revealing one was this: “Relationships are all about life and life is all about relationships.” What does that mean? Relationships aren’t just a part of life, they are life. Connecting with others isn’t an option, it’s just as important to life as breathing.

The Lord taught me that the quality of my relationships determines the quality of my life. My vertical connection gives me life through Jesus Christ. Whereas, my horizontal connections help me to enjoy life through marriage and family connections. We obtain life through procreation but we experience life through salvation.

We can share our lives with other people and experience companionship, fellowship, belonging, security, and stability. We can live together, grow together, plan together, and accomplish our goals together. We can work together, play together, and learn together through meaningful relationships.

Therefore, I’m convinced that relationships will always be my key to success in my life. Jeremiah 30:22 states: “You shall be my people and I will be your God.”

That statement proves that God wants to have relationship with His creation, you and me.

Source: Relationships: The Key To Success, can be purchased via the Book/Order Page on my website.

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2 commentaires

stacey hartman
stacey hartman
12 mai 2022

The topic of this post is so true. I wish more people would get back to understanding the importance of everyone around them; no matter who they are and just try to be happy, make others happy and enjoy life. Quit focusing on all the negative. You can find happiness all around you if you just look within yourself! Thank you Johnie for the powerful message. God Bless

Membre inconnu
12 mai 2022
En réponse à

Stacey, thanks for your kind words.

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